Saturday, August 23
Monday, August 18
Thursday, August 7
Theres always be another day in paradise..
Assalamualaikum wr wb
everybody has a story, own history, own past, Me neither..
Day by day has passed since my life started crumbling down. a days, a weeks, a months even a years has passed since my life condition took everything away from me : my days, my dreams , my happiness, my soul even my smile.
At first, I thought losing it all was easy. I thought it means I am finally free from all the stress I couldn’t handle on life back then. I thought I finally got the chance to do anything I want, to pursue my passion and my dreams. and now, I realize I was wrong. It was not easy at all. Losing it all crushed me inside and out.
It took away my hope. I began to think that I am destined to failure, like I have done so.
It took away my spirit. this chapter took away my courage to meet or communicate people, resulting in a lonely and depressed me.
It took away my passion. I get used to feeling depressed that I forget how to feel happy and passionate, forget to love others even forget how to love myself.
And the most dangerous of all, it took away my will to live. At the lowest point, I even prayed to God to take away my life.
But this is not the end. This is not the end at all.
Nowadays, I feel better than I used to. Even though I still have some problems, I rarely hear sounds in my head, i heard someone cryin in my head always come everynight and everyday which has been huge problems for these few years or so. I began to get better control of my mind and my heart, my soul although sometimes I still lose it.
But I am positive. I will get better. I will get stronger. I need to get better and stronger.
Here are a few things that keeps me positive and keeps my fighting spirit alive :
First. I am very grateful for the blessings that I have, which has descended from heaven in the form of endless support from family and friends. When I feel depressed, I got friends that cheer me up and put a smile in my dull face. I want to repay their kindness and I will not let their efforts be in vain.
Second. I have dreams. It’s time to reignite those dreams. Even though I have to start from the bottom again, even though I have experienced failure, even though I have lost a lot of time and effort previously, I have to rise up and start pursuing those dreams. For it was our dreams that makes us special.
Third, and the most important of all, is Allah Swt..yeah, we got everything from Him, so,,when you loose something you love the most, one thing u have to do is be Ikhlas, thats what Allah will. I always beleieve HE always create a good story for all human in this world, life is a drama..we are an actor and he's a director.
For all the things i've been through, im so thankful..those things and those people are sent by God to teach me how to be a better person, learn from everything..Now, lets forgive and forget,lets live our life with God direction, keep up your smile and lets run to chasing a rainbow, and Bismillah.. i believe theres always another day in paradise :)
everybody has a story, own history, own past, Me neither..
Day by day has passed since my life started crumbling down. a days, a weeks, a months even a years has passed since my life condition took everything away from me : my days, my dreams , my happiness, my soul even my smile.
At first, I thought losing it all was easy. I thought it means I am finally free from all the stress I couldn’t handle on life back then. I thought I finally got the chance to do anything I want, to pursue my passion and my dreams. and now, I realize I was wrong. It was not easy at all. Losing it all crushed me inside and out.
It took away my hope. I began to think that I am destined to failure, like I have done so.
It took away my spirit. this chapter took away my courage to meet or communicate people, resulting in a lonely and depressed me.
It took away my passion. I get used to feeling depressed that I forget how to feel happy and passionate, forget to love others even forget how to love myself.
And the most dangerous of all, it took away my will to live. At the lowest point, I even prayed to God to take away my life.
But this is not the end. This is not the end at all.
Nowadays, I feel better than I used to. Even though I still have some problems, I rarely hear sounds in my head, i heard someone cryin in my head always come everynight and everyday which has been huge problems for these few years or so. I began to get better control of my mind and my heart, my soul although sometimes I still lose it.
But I am positive. I will get better. I will get stronger. I need to get better and stronger.
Here are a few things that keeps me positive and keeps my fighting spirit alive :
First. I am very grateful for the blessings that I have, which has descended from heaven in the form of endless support from family and friends. When I feel depressed, I got friends that cheer me up and put a smile in my dull face. I want to repay their kindness and I will not let their efforts be in vain.
Second. I have dreams. It’s time to reignite those dreams. Even though I have to start from the bottom again, even though I have experienced failure, even though I have lost a lot of time and effort previously, I have to rise up and start pursuing those dreams. For it was our dreams that makes us special.
Third, and the most important of all, is Allah Swt..yeah, we got everything from Him, so,,when you loose something you love the most, one thing u have to do is be Ikhlas, thats what Allah will. I always beleieve HE always create a good story for all human in this world, life is a drama..we are an actor and he's a director.
For all the things i've been through, im so thankful..those things and those people are sent by God to teach me how to be a better person, learn from everything..Now, lets forgive and forget,lets live our life with God direction, keep up your smile and lets run to chasing a rainbow, and Bismillah.. i believe theres always another day in paradise :)
Tuesday, August 5
Berhijab ? Kenapa ?
Assalamualaikum wr wb
Agustus ini adalah bulan ke 3 menjelang ke 4 saya berhijab, alhamdulillah Allah Swt semakin mennjukkan kasih sayangnya kepada saya,,Hijab adalah bentuk ketaatan dan our signature as a Muslimah, setelah Hijrah dengan berhijab, langkah selanjutnya adalah Hijrah untuk menjadi manusia yang lebih baik, lebih istiqomah dengan satu harapan 'Ridho Allah Swt' . dan tidak pernah ada kata terlambat untuk seorang manusia menjadi lebih baik, dan percayalah..kalau kita selangkah mendekat kepadaNya, dia akan seribu langkah berlari menuju kita..
* Berhijab takkan membuatmu kehilangan cantik | Malah lebih anggun dari wanita
* Jangan takut kekurangan rizki ketika berhijab | Banyak ko profesi yang bisa dilakukan dengan hijab.
* Hijab membawa pengaruh positif | Aku merasa lebih baik setelah berhijab.
* Hijab itu pilihan dalam kebebasan bukan karena terpaksa | Itu karena aku adalah wanita Islam yang merdeka.
* Jilbab itu tanda cinta kepada Allah | Jadi, jangan ragukan cintamu pada-Nya.
* Jilbab itu tanda sayang pada Nabi Muhammad | Kalau sayang, laksanakan perintahnya.
* Jangan berdebat tentang berhijab | Percaya pada Qur'an kan ?! Laksanakan... !!
* Dalam Qur'an tidak ada menjilba hati | Tapi menjilbab aurat.
* Tidak perlu menjadi wanita sempurna untuk berjilbab | Karena sempurna hanya milik Allah.
* Tidak ada waktu yang tepat untuk berhijab | Sekaranglah saatnya untuk berhijab !!
as we know..In Islam HIJAB is not an option, its a MUST
wassalamualaikum wr wb
Monday, August 4
Seribu, Sejuta, Satu
Aku mungkin
punya seribu kelemahan dan sejuta masalah.
Tetapi aku
bersyukur karena aku memiliki satu Tuhan yang ada di sampingku saat aku
menghadapi seluruh masalah tersebut.
Aku mungkin punya seribu pengalaman pahit dan sejuta kekhawatiran.
Tetapi aku
bersyukur karena aku memiliki satu Tuhan yang mengingatkanku bahwa semuanya
akan menjadi indah pada waktunya.
Aku mungkin punya seribu penyakit dan sejuta luka.
Tetapi aku
bersyukur karena aku memiliki satu Tuhan yang mampu menyembuhkanku.
Aku mungkin punya seribu kesalahan dan sejuta dosa.
Tetapi aku
bersyukur karena aku memiliki satu Tuhan yang mengampuniku.
Aku mungkin punya seribu doa dan sejuta permohonan.
Tetapi aku
bersyukur karena aku memiliki satu Tuhan yang tahu waktu dan cara terbaik untuk
mengabulkan seluruh doa dan permohonanku.
Terima kasih atas hari ini, Tuhan. Banyak rintangan, kekhawatiran, kekecewaan, dan rasa sakit yang kuhadapi hari ini, tetapi aku tak akan goyah, karena Engkau besertaku.
Eid Mubarak 1435H
Assalamualaikum wr wb
Alhamdulillah sebulan penuh sudah kita berpuasa, semoga puasa sebulan ini bisa membawa banyak berkah untuk kita semua..Aammmiiieeeennn
Ada cerita apa lebaran ini? yahh agak kurang baik sih,,sejak 3 hari sebelum lebaran, saya dikasih rezeki besar sama Allah Swt..Alhamdulillah kasih saya Sakit yang bikin saya harussssssssssss banget bedrest, alhasil idul fitri harus maksain badan untuk sholat Ied, alhamdulillah dikasih kekuatan sama AllahSwt untuk sholat ied dan setelah itu bedrest pun dilanjutkan sampai seminggu lebih, bahkan saat saya tulis ketik postingan ini, saya masih dengan kondisi mata kunang-kunang dan badan masiiiihhh banget lunglai, well semoga Allah Swt kasih kesembuhan untuk saya dan kita semua..Aamiieenn
mulai dari nol yahhhh (bukan iklan pom bensin) ....
Wassalamualaikum wr wb
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