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Thursday, October 24

Inspiring Story of "Ragusa-Ice Cream" owner


A few days ago, me and rani hunting for some gud food and we go to Sabang to enjoy Bakmi roxy, after that we went to Ragusa to have our ice cream dessert. We were very lucky that the lady owner was there, and she sat down with us.

She is a very noble woman. 75 years old, but still extremely healthy. Born of an Indian Muslim mother and Chinese father, she has a thirst for learning. She could dance, she could sing. Age holds no barriers - she started learning Chinese at 50 years old, and obtained her Masters at 65. 

She now owns a successful business (since 1972 when the Italian owners gave the business to her during the crisis), but she never forgets to give back to society. Every day Mon-Sat, she will give her time to teach orphans language lessons free of charge, and spend Sun traveling around to spread the Chinese language. The government sent her to different parts of Indonesia to pass her knowledge to teachers so that more students can benefit from her lifetime of experience.

She also loves her country. She asked her son to return to Indonesia so that he can contribute back to the country, to the poor.

She is one hell of a woman :)

She asked if I will want to join her on Saturdays, teaching the orphans. I'm tempted, because I hope I can give something to the beautiful country which has treated me so well, coz share and care to each other is beautiful.


Wednesday, October 23

MINE (ost Iklan we-chat)


Howdee....anyway today im gonna share my Fav "iklan" now..hahahha
yupp, gw emang lagi ter-Crazy crazy banget sama iklan we-chat yang satu ini, dari sekian banyak versi iklan we-chat yang ada, buat gw yg versi "ceweknya sakit" ini paliiiiiing keren andddd the best point issssss the soundtrack..ahhaaaaaa...udah lama gw nyari2 soundtrack iklan ini, and this is it..

okehhh, you can find it in Youtube yah..i got network problem now, so i cant upload the video hahahah *miris* ..but i give u the lyrics..lets be romantic together..aseeekkk

MINE - Petra Sihombing feat Ben Sihombing

Girl your heart, girl your face
is so different from them others
I say, you're the only one that I'll adore

Cos everytime you're by my side
My blood rushes through my veins
And my geeky face, blushed so silly oo yeah, oyeah

And I want to make you mine

Reff :
Oh baby I'll take you to the sky
Forever you and I, you and I
And we'll be together till we die
Our love will last forever
and forever you'll be mine, you'll be mine

Girl your smile and your charm
Lingers always on my mind
I'll say, you're the only
one that I've waited for 


Thursday, October 17

The Day

this song was so damn touch my heart...and yes, i love this song beeerrryyyy much now :)
i believe, people who love this song is a people who has a gud heart...

The Day - BabyFace ( 1997 )

it was late December the news came
And I got so excited, I cried all day
And you were such a lovely, precious SIGHT
When I saw our baby in your eyes

It was like falling deep in love
I heard the angels cry above
I felt a blessing straight from God
The day that you gave me a son

I called 'bout everyone I knew
Just think, I'll be a father 'cause of you
There's no greater love than what you gave
A brand new baby on the way

Oh such tears of joy, I've never known
I can't remember
It's like a song, I've never heard
I've never sung, but know the words

Friday, October 4

Date wif Destiny

Assalamualaikum ​

Bad things do happen, friends betrayal, life lost, deceit, broken hearts, but how i respon to them? defines my character and the quality of my life.
I can choose to drown in my misery as someone i know used to say,or i can choose to rise from the pain and treasure the most precious gifts i have, life itself. 
i choose Life..Be grateful for all the goods, bad and uglies of my life. 
For the best is yet to come and thats a promise i know will come to past as long as i stay firm on AllahSwt Path.. 
thanks my dear Allah Swt for this journey, and thanks for letiing me "dating wif my destiny..


Thursday, October 3

Si Baik Hati


Berawal dari perbincangan dengan seorang teman yang memang belakangan ini jadi temen gw dalam berbagi cerita, terutama soal hal hal kebaikan,,nahhh gw jadi tertarik untuk nulis tentang dia di blog gw yang kecehh ini..hahaha

Temen gw ini (sebut saja namanya..hmm apa yah, masa bunga terus,,,okeh sebut saja namanya si baik hati) adalah satu dari sekian anak manusia yang (menurut gw ) cukup sempurna, well meskipun kesempurnaan hanyalah milik Allah Swt hihihi.. si baik hati ini anak perantauan dan tinggal sendiri dijakarta, yahhh yg namanya jauh dari keluarga pastilah hidupnya gak se-enak dia hidup deket sama keluarganya, tapi yang hebat dari dia adalah dia bisa handle hidupnya dengan amaaaatt sangat baik dan (menurut gw lagi) rapih..kenapa gw bilang rapi, yaiyalahhhh, dia kerja di perusahaan besar yang waktu kerjanya gilaaa, hampir gak punya waktu libur, bahkan belakangan ini dia sama sekali gak ada waktu libur ckckckck..hari harinya abis dikantor dengan kerjaan yang segudang itu, tapi kerjaan yang segudang itu juga dikarenKan prestasi dan keberrhasilan dia dalam pencapaian kerjaannya...hebat yahh, gw ajah belum tentu bisa jadi orang yang bisa sebegitu rapihnya handle hidupnya

Terlepas dari keseharian dia yang sibuk itu, in personal..Si baik hati ini adalah pribadi yang taat, soleh, rajiiin ibadah dan rajin sedekah dan punya pemikiran pasrah dan berserah sama AllahSwt...subhanallah yah, jaraaaaaang bgt (menurut gw) nemuin pribadi yang kaya gini, pribadi yang ikhlas,pasrah,berserah dan selalu percaya akan kebaikan Allahswt.

Kekaguman gw gak berhenti disitu ajah, ternyata setelah banyak cerita, dia juga seseorang yang berprestasi diakademis, cumlaude dan bisa selesai kuliah kurang dari jangka waktu biasanya, well singkat cerita, dia Pinterrrrr... Pernah satu kali gw drop and dowm, dan gw gak tau mau curhat ma siapa, then gw cerita sama si baik hati ini tentang apa yang gw rasain saat itu, dan nasehat yang keluar dari mulutnya ngomong gini "sabar yah, tenang, iklhlas ajah sama apa yang sudah terjadi, meskipun sedih tapi percaya ajah kalau semua itu sudah jalan dari Allah, dibawa sholat ajah yah, dibawa sabar, semua pasti indah pada waktunya,,percaya deh" ... Dan percaya atau gak, kata2 itu bikin gw makin sabar dan salalu berbaik sangka sama takdir Allahswt.

Bersyukur gw punya teman berbagi cerita dalam arti kebaikan dan agama..bersyukur selalu ditemukan dengan orang2 baik.. Well, kalo gw cerita full tentang si baik hati ini, gak akan cukup 3 jam gw cerita hihihihi (kaya pilem india)... Dan untuk si baik hati ini, gw ikhlas berdoa supaya dia sellu dikasih ketabahan dalam hidup jauh dari keluarga, selalu dikasih kekuatan struglling ditengah kehidupan jakarta yang keras, dan semoga selalu istiqomah dijalan Allah yah.....amien